
Moscow customers signed state contracts with suppliers from other regions for 138 billion rubles.

In January-May 2024, the volume of purchases by Moscow customers from suppliers from other regions exceeded 138 billion rubles. This was reported by Maria Bagreeva, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city.

"Moscow customers purchase goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs from suppliers not only from the capital, but also from many other subjects of the Russian Federation. The volume of the state order from the regions is constantly growing: only for the first five months of this year it amounted to 138.1 billion rubles", - commented Maria Bagreeva

She also noted that purchases from regional suppliers in January - May this year amounted to a fifth of the entire capital's public procurement. Compared to the same period of 2023, the volume of such procedures increased by 15 percent, and for the last five years has grown almost threefold.

"The main share of purchases falls on suppliers from the Moscow region: their volume for five months amounted to 68.4 billion rubles. Entrepreneurs from St. Petersburg signed contracts worth 21 billion rubles. Next come companies from the Krasnodar region with the volume of purchases for 1.7 billion rubles, suppliers from the Novosibirsk and Sverdlovsk regions, who signed deals with Moscow for 1.3 and 1.1 billion rubles respectively,” explained Kirill Purtov, head of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy. 

More than a quarter of the volume of purchases from regional suppliers in January-May 2024 fell on transactions related to the construction of roads, engineering communications, buildings and structures: their amount reached 31.7 billion rubles. The second place is occupied by the supply of medical goods: the city spent 27.2 billion rubles on them. The volume of contracts for the purchase of landscaping elements amounted to 5.8 billion rubles, for works on the preservation of cultural heritage objects - 3.9 billion rubles, for the purchase of construction goods - 2.3 billion rubles.