Moscow Analytical Center kept the special session at 63th World Statistics Congress
The special session «Developing Machine Learning Methods in Experimental Official and Analytical Statistics» was held at 63th World Statistics Congress. The session had been organized by The Moscow Analytical Center. This year the Congress, organized by International Statistical Institute, held online.
Her Majesty Queen Máxima of The Netherlands, UN SG’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development addressed the participants of the Congress and emphasized the importance of discussing the statistical lessons to be learnt from the pandemic. «Reliable statistics are important for all citizens, especially young people. Statistical and data literacy are indispensable skills that enable young people to assess the reliability of the data they use» - she said.
During the session, which was organized and chaired by Deputy Head of Project Office 1 of Analytical Center Dr., Prof Elena Zarova, the four reports were delivered. Besides the speakers, specialists from the field of theoretical and applied statistics, as well as representatives of international statistical organizations took part in the session. Elena Zarova spoke on the topic of machine learning methods for processing and analyzing integrated databases of official statistics, Deputy Director of Analytical Center Iliya Zalmanov presented The Integrated Data Warehouse (IDWH) as the tool for monitoring of socioeconomic development of the regions. Also Sergey Musikhin, Head of the Department for Processing and Analysis of Statistical Information of Analytical Center, discussed the methods of allocation of value added by regions based on machine learning, Elvira Dubravskaya, an expert at the Analytical Center, spoke about an alternative assessment of clandestine employment in Russia using the machine learning method.
The relevance of the topic is due to the common trend for many countries in the use of new data sources (administrative, big data, etc.), and the need of national statistical services to integrate data from various sample statistical surveys to improve their efficiency and descriptiveness.
The discussant was Maria Frolova, specialist of the Information Resources Integration Department of Analytical Center. The chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, prof. Bakhodir Begalov was a special guest at the session.