
Moscow Analytical Center supported holding ASI’s GoGlobal Initiative Coordination Council meeting

Representatives of the Analytical Center of Moscow attended the meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) GoGlobal Initiative. The participants of the meeting considered 55 projects submitted for Council’s approval for obtaining grants, subsidies for participation in exhibitions, certification support, the launch of the pilot project on the ground, as well as consulting, marketing and information support. Participants also discussed activities and programs that can be implemented jointly within the GoGlobal Initiative. Among the tasks set for 2021, the Council noted enabling Russian companies to enter relevant international rankings and competitions.

At the meeting, Mark Rakhmangulov, Head of Moscow Analytica Center’s Project Office on International Rankings, shared the experience of supporting and promoting the city in the international rankings. He also presented the activities of the recently launched Inter-Ministerial Working Group on International Comparison and Rankings jointly with Rosstat, which aims to provide the authors of international rankings and databases with correct data on Moscow and Russia in general. Mark Rakhmangulov emphasized the importance of verifying data in international databases by other regions of Russia for a more objective representation of Russian cities in the rankings. ASI representatives proposed to launch a cooperation track on promoting Russian cities in international rankings and implementing the exchange of the best practices between Moscow and other regions.

The Analytical Center and ASI confirmed their agreement to continue their partnership to promote the best practices of Moscow in the field of urban development among the regions of Russia and abroad.

GoGlobal is a service allowing projects, solutions and initiatives of ASI’s ecosystem, interested in advancing international cooperation, to receive support in entering and getting promoted within foreign markets. In one year since the launch of the Initiative, 35 projects have received support in international promotion in the form of consultations, marketing analytics, assistance in establishing and developing communications with foreign partners.

The Coordination Council of the Initiative comprises representatives of ASI, Government of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Moscow’s Department of Economic Policy and Development, Moscow Analytical Center, Moscow Export Center, VEB.RF, Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Union, ANO «Digital Economy», Skolkovo Foundation, All-Russia Public Organization «Business Russia», several Russian universities, as well as representatives of business and other specialized organizations.