Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

Federal tax service of Russia July 2024
Operating legal entities, Moscow
by 1st July 2024
607,8 ths units
1st July 2024 to 1st June 2024
1st July 2024 to 1st July 2023
Beginning of month
Values Chart
Federal tax service of Russia June 2024
Registered legal entities, Moscow
for June 2024
5,7 ths units
for 6 months 2024
46,0 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal tax service of Russia June 2024
Liquidated legal entities, Moscow
for June 2024
3,9 ths units
for 6 months 2024
31,6 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal tax service of Russia July 2024
Operating individual entrepreneurs, Moscow
by 1st July 2024
456,8 ths units
1st July 2024 to 1st June 2024
1st July 2024 to 1st July 2023
Beginning of month
Values Chart
Federal tax service of Russia June 2024
Registered individual entrepreneurs, Moscow
for June 2024
7,1 ths units
for 6 months 2024
42,9 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal tax service of Russia June 2024
Liquidated individual entrepreneurs, Moscow
for June 2024
3,9 ths units
for 6 months 2024
27,1 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
July 2024
by 1st July 2024
Beginning of month
Values Chart
July 2024
by 1st July 2024
1 731,8
1st July 2024 to 1st January 2024
Beginning of month
Values Chart
July 2024
by 1st July 2024
10 717,8
1st July 2024 to 1st January 2024
Beginning of month
Values Chart