External conditions

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation 26 Jul 2024
USD to RUB exchange rate
by 26th July 2024
85,41 ₽/$
26th July 2024 to 25th July 2024
26th July 2024 to 26th June 2024
26th July 2024 to 1st January 2024
Values Chart
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation 26 Jul 2024
EUR to RUB exchange rate
by 26th July 2024
93,17 ₽/€
26th July 2024 to 25th July 2024
26th July 2024 to 26th June 2024
26th July 2024 to 1st January 2024
Values Chart
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) 26 Jul 2024
Oil price (Brent)
by 26th July 2024
82,06 Dollars per Barrel
26th July 2024 to 25th July 2024
26th July 2024 to 26th June 2024
26th July 2024 to 1st January 2024
Values Chart