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Quality of Life Ranking of Russian Regions

Author: RIA Ranking
Frequency: annual
Selection principle: all Russian regions
Type of data: statistical data
Issued: from 2012
Quality of Life Ranking of Russian Regions
- {{ rating.value }}/{{ rating.cnt_cities }}
{{city}} position
in the latest ranking {{ rating.declension_en }} ({{ rating.date_label_en }})


General information: 
A total of 66 indicators have been used to compile the ranking. They are divided into 11 groups characterizing the main aspects of the quality of life in the regions: 
—Income level of the population;
—Employment and labor market;
—Living conditions of the population;
—Life safety;
—Demographic situation;
—Environmental and climatic conditions;
—Public health and level of education;
—Availability of social infrastructure;
—Economic development;
—Small business development;
—Territorial development and development of transport infrastructure.
Transparency of methodology: partially
Sources: Federal State Statistics Survey (Rosstat), Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Bank of Russia and other open sources

{{ rating.declension_en }} position in the ranking

{{item.name}} + {{item.temp}}
Quality of Life Ranking of Russian Regions
+/- 2 positions from {{ rating.declension_en }}
Top 10
Custom selection
Selected: {{selected_citys.length}}


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