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SMART Ranking of Russian Regions

Author: Association of Innovative Regions of Russia
Frequency: unknown
Selection principle: Russian regions
Type of data: statistics
Issued: released once in 2022
SMART Ranking of Russian Regions
- {{ rating.value }}/{{ rating.cnt_cities }}
{{city}} position
in the latest ranking {{ rating.declension_en }} ({{ rating.date_label_en }})


General information: the ranking is based primarily on official statistics. A total of 14 development indicators are analyzed. They are grouped into five areas, including:
—Scientific leadership of the region;
—Media activity of the region;
—Anti-crisis support and development of SMEs;
—Sustainable development of the region;
—Technological (innovation) policy.
Transparency of methodology: yes
Sources: Federal Tax Service of Russia, Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, Innovation Promotion Fund, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Integrum database

{{ rating.declension_en }} position in the ranking

{{item.name}} + {{item.temp}}
SMART Ranking of Russian Regions
+/- 2 positions from {{ rating.declension_en }}
Top 10
Custom selection
Selected: {{selected_citys.length}}


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