Housing market

Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for Moscow June 2024
Number of registered purchase agreements for residential property, Moscow
for June 2024
21,8 ths units
for 6 months 2024
111,0 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Growth rate to the same month of previous year
Values Chart
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for Moscow June 2024
Registered contracts of sale (exchange), Moscow
for June 2024
11,3 ths units
for 6 months 2024
66,0 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for Moscow June 2024
Registered agreements of participation in shared construction, Moscow
for June 2024
10,5 ths units
for 6 months 2024
45,0 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for Moscow June 2024
Housing purchased from own funds, Moscow
for June 2024
11,9 ths units
for 6 months 2024
53,2 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) for Moscow June 2024
Housing purchased via mortgage loans, Moscow
for June 2024
9,9 ths units
for 6 months 2024
57,8 ths units
June 2024 to May 2024
June 2024 to June 2023
6 months 2024 to 6 months 2023
Values Chart
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation May 2024
Number of housing loans granted, Moscow
for May 2024
9,5 ths units
for 5 months 2024
37,0 ths units
May 2024 to April 2024
May 2024 to May 2023
5 months 2024 to 5 months 2023
Values Chart
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation May 2024
Amount of housing loans granted, Moscow
for May 2024
66,3 bln RUB
for 5 months 2024
258,1 bln RUB
May 2024 to April 2024
May 2024 to May 2023
5 months 2024 to 5 months 2023
Values Chart
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation May 2024
Number of housing loans granted, Russian Federation
for May 2024
146,9 ths units
for 5 months 2024
559,1 ths units
May 2024 to April 2024
May 2024 to May 2023
5 months 2024 to 5 months 2023
Values Chart
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation May 2024
Amount of housing loans granted, Russian Federation
for May 2024
546,0 bln RUB
for 5 months 2024
2 064,5 bln RUB
May 2024 to April 2024
May 2024 to May 2023
5 months 2024 to 5 months 2023
Values Chart
May 2024
for 5 months 2024
Cumulative total since the beginning of year
Values Chart