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Urban Climate Agenda Report

Author: Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow with the experts from Lomonosov Moscow State University 
Country: Russia
Frequency: Annual
Selection principle: 20 major world's megacities with the largest population and gross regional product
Type of data used: Statistics, urban development strategies
Urban Climate Agenda Report
- {{ rating.value }}/{{ rating.cnt_cities }}
{{city}} position
in the latest ranking {{ rating.declension_en }} ({{ rating.date_label_en }})


General information: The score of a city in each category can vary from 10 to 100 points, and it is calculated using quantitative (basic) and qualitative (adjustment) indicators
Trancparency of methodology: Yes
Sources: Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) data, national and urban databases, urban development strategies
Groups of indicators: "Energy Sources", "Energy Consumption", "Transport", "Green Spaces", "Waste", "Auxiliary Indicators"

{{ rating.declension_en }} position in the ranking

{{item.name}} + {{item.temp}}
Urban Climate Agenda Report
+/- 2 positions from {{ rating.declension_en }}
Top 10
5 bottom positions
Custom selection
Selected: {{selected_citys.length}}


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